Welcome to my Photography page
My interest in photography, like my other hobbies , includes several areas. I like Microscopic and macro photography, nature, landscape, and Naval Architecture amongst other subjects. I started photography as a child with a a Brownie film camera. I bought my 35mm Pentax MX in 1977, and I still shoot with it sometimes. Occasionaly, I will scan some of my early photos or slides and post them here. I also scan old negatves and photos in my parents collection and restore them using Paint Shop Pro. I especially like scanning some of my dad's slides that he shot on his 35 mm Agfa when he was posted with the Canadian military in Germany in 1959-1963 and on peacekeeping duties in the Sinai in 1965. These days I shoot Pentax digital. I also enjoy doing video and animation. Please note that my permission is required for the use of any of my photos posted here or on my websites.